Dr. Tyson R. Browning


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Eppinger, Steven D. and Tyson R. Browning (2012) Design Structure Matrix Methods and Applications, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Japanese edition (2014)

Refereed Journal Papers (P)

P47 Lu, Jiachun, Tingting Yan, and Tyson R. Browning (2023) “Into the Unknown? Explaining Management Nonresponse After a Supply-base Disruption,” Journal of Operations Management, forthcoming.  Request  DOI

P46 Zhang, Dawei (David), Gang Peng, Yuliang (Oliver) Yao, and Tyson Browning (2023) “Is a College Education Still Enough? The IT-Labor Relationship with Education Level, Task Routineness, and Artificial Intelligence,” Information Systems Research, forthcoming.  Request  DOI

P45 Shalpegin, Timofey, Ajay Kumar, and Tyson R. Browning (2023) “Undiversity, Inequity, and Exclusion in Supply Chains: The Unintended Fallout of Economic Sanctions and Consumer Boycotts,” Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.  Request  DOI

P44 Browning, Tyson R., Maneesh Kumar, Nada Sanders, ManMohan S. Sodhi, Matthias Thürer, and Guilherme Tortorella (2023) “From Supply Chain Risk to Systemwide Disruptions: Research Opportunities in Forecasting, Risk Management, and Product Design,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 43(12): 1841-1858.  Request  DOI

P43 He, Qidong, Nengmin Wang, Tyson R. Browning, and Bin Jiang (2022) “Competitive Collection with Convenience-perceived Customers,” European Journal of Operational Research, 303(1): 239-254Request  DOI

P42 Yang, Qing, Na Yang, Tyson R. Browning, Bin Jiang, and Tao Yao (2022) “Clustering Product Development Project Organization from the Perspective of Social Network Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69(6): 2482-2496.  PDF  DOI

P41 Allaverdi, David and Tyson R. Browning (2020) “A Methodology for Identifying Flexible Design Opportunities in Large-scale Systems,” Systems Engineering, 23(5): 534-556.  PDF  DOI

P40 Collins, Shawn T. and Tyson R. Browning (2019) “It Worked There, So It Should Work Here: Sustaining Change while Improving Product Development Processes,” Journal of Operations Management, 65(3): 216-241.  PDF  DOI

P39 Browning, Tyson R. (2019) “Planning, Tracking, and Reducing a Complex Project’s Value at Risk,” Project Management Journal, 50(1): 71-85.  PDF  DOI

P38 Browning, Tyson R. (2018) “Building Models of Product Development Processes: An Integrative Approach to Managing Organizational Knowledge,” Systems Engineering, 21(1): 70-87.  PDF  DOI

P37 Engel, Avner, Tyson R. Browning, and Yoram Reich (2017) “Designing Products for Adaptability: Insights from Four Industrial Cases,” Decision Sciences, 48(5): 875-917.  PDF  DOI

P36 Yassine, Ali A., Omar Mostafa, and Tyson R. Browning (2017) “Scheduling Multiple, Resource-Constrained, Iterative, Product Development Projects with Genetic Algorithms,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 107: 39-56.  Request  DOI

P35 Meier, Christoph, Ali A. Yassine, Tyson R. Browning, and Ulrich Walter (2016) “Optimizing Time-Cost Tradeoffs in Product Development Projects with a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm,” Research in Engineering Design, 27(4): 347-366.  PDF  DOI

P34 Browning, Tyson R. and Ali A. Yassine (2016) “Managing a Portfolio of Product Development Projects under Resource Constraints,” Decision Sciences, 47(2): 333-372.  PDF  DOI

P33 Browning, Tyson R. (2016) “Design Structure Matrix Extensions and Innovations: A Survey and New Opportunities,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 63(1): 27-52.  PDF  DOI

P32 Meier, Christoph, Tyson R. Browning, Ali A. Yassine, and Ulrich Walter (2015) “The Cost of Speed: Work Policies for Crashing and Overlapping in Product Development Projects,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62(2): 237-255.  PDF  DOI

P31 Browning, Tyson R. (2014) “A Quantitative Framework for Managing Project Value, Risk, and Opportunity,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61(4): 583-598.  PDF  DOI

P30 Browning, Tyson R. (2014) “A Role-Playing Game for Teaching about Enterprise Process Integration,” Journal of Enterprise Transformation, 4(3): 226-250.  PDF  DOI

P29 Ramasesh, Ranga V. and Tyson R. Browning (2014) “A Conceptual Framework for Tackling Knowable Unknown Unknowns in Project Management,” Journal of Operations Management, 32(4): 190-204.  PDF  DOI

P28 Kutsch, Elmar, Tyson R. Browning, and Mark Hall (2014) “Bridging the Risk Gap: The Failure of Risk Management in Information Systems Projects,” Research-Technology Management, 57(2): 26-32.  PDF  DOI

P27 Browning, Tyson R. (2014) “Managing Complex Project Process Models with a Process Architecture Framework,” International Journal of Project Management, 32(2): 229-241.  PDF  DOI

P26a Sosa, Manuel E., Jürgen Mihm, and Tyson R. Browning (2013) “Linking Cyclicality and Product Quality,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 15(3): 473-491.  PDF  DOI

P26b Sosa, Manuel E., Jürgen Mihm, and Tyson R. Browning (2014) “Linking Cyclicality and Product Quality,” Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 59(3): 259-261.

P25 Browning, Tyson R. and Nadia R. Sanders (2012) “Can Innovation Be Lean?” California Management Review, 54(4): 5-19.  PDF  DOI

P24 Sosa, Manuel E., Jürgen Mihm and Tyson R. Browning (2011) “Degree Distribution and Quality in Complex Engineered Systems,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(10): 101008 (15 pages).  PDF  DOI

P23 Browning, Tyson R. and Ali A. Yassine (2010) “Resource-Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling: Priority Rule Performance Revisited,” International Journal of Production Economics, 126(2): 212-228.  PDF  DOI

P22a Browning, Tyson R. (2010) “On the Alignment of the Purposes and Views of Process Models in Project Management,” Journal of Operations Management, 28(4): 316-332.  PDF  DOI

P22b Browning, Tyson R. (2011) "On the Alignment of the Purposes and Views of Process Models in Project Management," Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 56(3): 257-259.

P21 Browning, Tyson R. and Ali A. Yassine (2010) “A Random Generator of Resource-Constrained Multi-Project Network Problems,” Journal of Scheduling, 13(2): 143-161.  PDF  DOI  RCMPSP Generator and Instances

P20 Lévárdy, Viktor and Tyson R. Browning (2009) "An Adaptive Process Model to Support Product Development Project Management,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56(4): 600-620.  PDF  DOI

P19 Browning, Tyson R. (2009) “The Many Views of a Process: Towards a Process Architecture Framework for Product Development Processes,” Systems Engineering, 12(1): 69-90.  PDF  DOI

P18 Browning, Tyson R. and Ralph D. Heath (2009) “Reconceptualizing the Effects of Lean on Production Costs with Evidence from the F-22 Program,” Journal of Operations Management, 27(1): 23-44.  PDF  DOI

P17 Browning, Tyson R. and Eric C. Honour (2008) “Measuring the Life-cycle Value of Enduring Systems,” Systems Engineering, 11(3): 187-202.  PDF  DOI

P16 Engel, Avner and Tyson R. Browning (2008) “Designing Systems for Adaptability by Means of Architecture Options,” Systems Engineering, 11(2): 125-146.  PDF  DOI

P15 Honour, Eric C. and Tyson R. Browning (2007) “Dynamic Optimization of Systems of Systems using Value Measurement,” Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science, 11(2): 33-53.  PDF  DOI

P14 Meier, Christoph, Ali Yassine and Tyson R. Browning (2007) “Design Process Sequencing with Competent Genetic Algorithms,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(6): 566-585.  PDF  DOI

P13 Browning, Tyson R. and Ranga V. Ramasesh (2007) “A Survey of Activity Network-based Process Models for Product Development Project Management,” Production and Operations Management, 16(2): 217-240.  PDF  DOI

P12 Danilovic, Mike and Tyson R. Browning (2007) “Managing Complex Product Development Projects with Design Structure Matrices and Domain Mapping Matrices,” International Journal of Project Management, 25(3): 300-314.  DOI

P11 Browning, Tyson R., Ernst Fricke, and Herbert Negele (2006) “Key Concepts in Modeling Product Development Processes,” Systems Engineering, 9(2): 104-128.  PDF  DOI

P10 Browning, Tyson R. (2003) “On Customer Value and Improvement in Product Development Processes,” Systems Engineering, 6(1): 49-61.  PDF  DOI

P9 Browning, Tyson R., John J. Deyst, Steven D. Eppinger, and Daniel E. Whitney (2002) “Adding Value in Product Development by Creating Information and Reducing Risk,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(4): 443-458.  PDF  DOI

P8 Browning, Tyson R. and Steven D. Eppinger (2002) “Modeling Impacts of Process Architecture on Cost and Schedule Risk in Product Development,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(4): 428-442.  PDF  DOI

P7 Browning, Tyson R. (2002) “Process Integration Using the Design Structure Matrix,” Systems Engineering, 5(3): 180-193.  PDF  DOI

P6 Browning, Tyson R. (2001) “Applying the Design Structure Matrix to System Decomposition and Integration Problems: A Review and New Directions,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 48(3): 292-306.  PDF  DOI

P5b Denker, Stephen, Donald V. Steward and Tyson R. Browning (2001) “Planning Concurrency and Managing Iteration in Projects,” Project Management Journal, 32(3): 31-38.  DOI

P5a Denker, Stephen, Donald Steward and Tyson Browning (1999) “Planning Concurrency and Managing Iteration in Projects,” Center for Quality of Management (CQM) Journal, 8(2): 55-62.  PDF

P4 Browning, Tyson R. (1999) “Designing System Development Projects for Organizational Integration,” Systems Engineering, 2(4): 217-225.  PDF  DOI

P3 Browning, Tyson R. (1999) “Sources of Schedule Risk in Complex System Development,” Systems Engineering, 2(3): 129-142.  PDF  DOI

P2 Browning, Tyson R. (1998) “Integrative Mechanisms for Multiteam Integration: Findings from Five Case Studies,” Systems Engineering, 1(2): 95-112.  PDF  DOI

P1 Browning, Tyson R. (1995) “Reaching for the ‘Low Hanging Fruit’: The Pressure for Results in Scientific Research—A Graduate Student’s Perspective,” Science and Engineering Ethics, 1(4): 417-426.  PDF  DOI

Refereed Conference Papers (C)

C29 Hunter, Denise, Carl Dister, William Klinger, and Tyson Browning (2021) “A DSM-Based Validation Tool for Leveraged Optimization of Internal Control,” Proceedings of the 23rd International Dependency and Structural Modeling Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Oct. 12-14, pp. 85-95.  Request

C28 O’Connor, Patrick, Carl Dister, Johnny Gest, and Tyson R. Browning (2020) “A Networked Approach for Assessing Risks to the Electric Grid,” Proceedings of the 22nd International Dependency and Structural Modeling Conference, virtual meeting, Oct. 13-15, pp. 125-134.  PDF  DOI

C27 Hölttä-Otto, Katja, Vili-Valtteri Niutanen, Steven Eppinger, Tyson R. Browning, H. Mike Stowe, Riku Lampinen, Andhikaputra Rahardjo (2018) “Design Sprint for Complex System Architecture Analysis,” Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC 2018), DETC2018-85774, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Aug. 26-29.  Request

C26 Browning, Tyson R. (2018) “Applying the PVRO Framework to the Strategy-Implementation Gap,” MIT SDM Symposium: Characterizing the Gap between Strategy and Implementation, Cambridge, MA, April 30 – May 1. (Superseded by O33)

C25 Dister, Carl J., Anthony Jablonski, and Tyson R. Browning (2015) “Applying DSM Methodology to Rank Risk of Internal Controls in Critical Infrastructure Enterprises,” Proceedings of the 17th International Dependency and Structural Modeling Conference, Fort Worth, TX, Nov 4-6, pp. 123-136.  Request

C24 Engel, Avner, Yoram Reich, Tyson R. Browning, and D.M. Schmidt (2012) “Optimizing System Architecture for Adaptability,” Proceedings of the 12th International Design Conference (DESIGN 2012), Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 21-24.  Request

C23 Browning, Tyson R. (2010) “Further Development of a Process Architecture Framework,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes, Cambridge, UK, July 19-20, pp. 29-40. (Superseded by P27)

C22 Stowe, H. Mike, Tyson R. Browning and Maik Maurer (2009) “The Real World Does Not Like Complexity, But...,” Proceedings of the 11th International Design Structure Matrix Conference, Greenville, SC, Oct 11-13, pp. 41-52.  Request

C21 Sosa, Manuel E., Tyson R. Browning and Jürgen Mihm (2008) “A Dynamic, DSM-Based View of Software Architectures and Their Impact on Quality and Innovation,” Proceedings of the 10th International Design Structure Matrix Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Nov 11-12, pp. 313-326. (Superseded by P26)

C20 Engel, Avner and Tyson R. Browning (2008) “Using the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) and Architecture Options to Optimize System Adaptability,” Proceedings of the 10th International Design Structure Matrix Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Nov 11-12, pp. 389-402. (Superseded by P16)

C19 Stowe, H. Mike, Tyson R. Browning and Maik Maurer (2008) “Integrated Dynamic Planning (IDP),” Proceedings of the 10th International Design Structure Matrix Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Nov 11-12, pp. 83-94.  Request

C18 Sosa, Manuel E., Tyson R. Browning and Jürgen Mihm (2007) “Dynamic, DSM-Based Analysis of Software Product Architectures,” Proceedings of the 9th International Design Structure Matrix Conference, Munich, Germany, Oct 16-18, pp. 349-361. (Superseded by P26)

C17 Sosa, Manuel E., Tyson Browning and Jürgen Mihm (2007) “Studying the Dynamics of the Architecture of Software Products,” Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2007), Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 4-7.  Best paper nominee  Request

C16 Engel, Avner and Tyson R. Browning (2006) “Designing Systems for Adaptability by Means of Architecture Options,” Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Orlando, FL, Jul 9-13. (Superseded by P16)

C15 Browning, Tyson R. and Eric C. Honour (2005) “Measuring the Lifecycle Value of a System,” Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Rochester, NY, Jul 10-14.  Best paper winner (Superseded by P17)

C14 Lévárdy, Viktor and Tyson R. Browning (2005) “Adaptive Test Process – Designing a Project Plan that Adapts to the State of a Project,” Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Rochester, NY, Jul 10-14. (Superseded by P20)

C13 Lévárdy, Viktor, Tyson R. Browning and Markus Hoppe (2004) “Adaptive Test Process – An Integrated Modeling Approach for Test and Design Activities in the Product Development Process,” Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences (Design Theory and Methodology Conference), Salt Lake City, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2. (Superseded by P20)

C12 Browning, Tyson R. (2001) “From Process Aggregation to Process Integration,” Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Melbourne, Australia, July 1-5. (Superseded by P7)

C11 Browning, Tyson R. (2001) “Modeling the Customer Value of Product Development Processes,” Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Melbourne, Australia, July 1-5. (Superseded by P10)

C10 Browning, Tyson R. (2001) “Process Modeling with Design Structure Matrices (DSMs),” Proceedings of the Lockheed Martin Joint Symposium 2001, Orlando, June 4-6. (Superseded by P7)

C9 Browning, Tyson R. (2000) “Using the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) for Process Integration,” Proceedings of the 34th Annual Government Electronics and Information Technology Association (GEIA) Engineering & Technical Management Conference, Dallas, Sept. 25-29, pp. 131-140. (Superseded by P7)

C8 Browning, Tyson R. (2000) “Value-Based Product Development: Refocusing Lean,” Proceedings of the IEEE EMS International Engineering Management Conference (IEMC), Albuquerque, Aug. 13-15, pp. 168-172. (Superseded by P10)

C7 Browning, Tyson R., John J. Deyst, Steven D. Eppinger and Daniel E. Whitney (2000) “Complex System Product Development: Adding Value by Creating Information and Reducing Risk,” Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Minneapolis, July 16-20, pp. 581-589. (Superseded by P9)

C6 Browning, Tyson R. (1999) “Sources of Performance Risk in Complex System Development,” Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Brighton, UK, June 6-11, pp. 711-718.  PDF

C5 Browning, Tyson R. (1998) “Sources of Schedule Risk in Complex System Development,” Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Vancouver, July 26-30, pp. 187-194. (Superseded by P3)

C4 Browning, Tyson R. (1998) “Use of Dependency Structure Matrices for Product Development Cycle Time Reduction,” Proceedings of the 5th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Tokyo, July 15-17, pp. 89-96.  PDF

C3 Browning, Tyson R. (1997) “Exploring Integrative Mechanisms with a View Towards Design for Integration,” Proceedings of the 4th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Rochester, MI, Aug. 20-22, pp. 83-90. (Superseded by P4)

C2 Browning, Tyson R. (1997) “Mechanisms for Interteam Integration: Findings from Five Case Studies,” Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Los Angeles, Aug. 3-7, pp. 649-656. (Superseded by P2)

C1 Browning, Tyson R. (1996) “Multi-Team Integration: Interdependence and Integrative Mechanisms,” Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Boston, July 8-11, pp. 787-794. (Superseded by P2)

Editorials (O)

O50 Browning, Tyson R. and Suzanne de Treville (2023) “Editorial: Reflecting on Six Years as co-Editors-in-Chief of JOM,Journal of Operations Management, 69(8): 1212-1218DOI

O49 de Treville, Suzanne, Tyson R. Browning, Matthias Holweg, Rachna Shah (2023) “Editorial: Rethinking Six Sigma: Learning from Practice in a Digital Age,” Journal of Operations Management, 69(8): 1371-1376DOI

O47 de Treville, Suzanne, Tyson R. Browning, Julian N. Marewski, Jordi Weiss (2023) “Editorial: Toyota Production System Practices as Fast-and-Frugal Heuristics,” Journal of Operations Management, 69(4): 522-535DOI

O46 de Treville, Suzanne, Tyson R. Browning, Rogelio Oliva (2023) “Editorial: Empirically Grounding Analytics (EGA) Research in the Journal of Operations Management,” Journal of Operations Management, 69(2): 337-348DOI

O41 Browning, Tyson R. and Suzanne de Treville (2021) “Editorial: A Lean View of Lean,” Journal of Operations Management, 67(5): 640-652.  DOI

O39 Mishra, Anant and Tyson R. Browning (2020) “Editorial: The Innovation and Project Management Department in the Journal of Operations Management,” Journal of Operations Management, 66(6): 616-621.  DOI

O38 Browning, Tyson R. (2020) “Editorial: Operations Management Writ Large,” Journal of Operations Management, 66(5): 494-500.  DOI

O37 Chandrasekaran, Aravind, Suzanne de Treville, and Tyson Browning (2020) “Editorial: Intervention-Based Research (IBR) – What, Where and How to Use it in Operations Management,” Journal of Operations Management, 66(4): 370-378.  DOI

O34 Browning, Tyson R. and Suzanne de Treville (2018) “Editorial: New Developments at the Journal of Operations Management,” Journal of Operations Management, 64(1): 1-6.  DOI

O32 Maylor, Harvey, Jack Meredith, Jonas Söderlund, and Tyson R. Browning (2018) “Old Theories, New Contexts: Extending Operations Management Theories to Projects,” (special issue introductory article) International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(6): 1274-1288.  DOI

Other Publications (O,T)


O28  Browning, Tyson R., Jürgen Mihm and Manuel Sosa (2015) “Using Hubs and Cyclicality to Relate Software Architecture and Quality,” CrossTalk, 28(4): 27-31.  PDF

O27  Browning, Tyson R. (2015) “Integração de Processos de Projeto com Design Structure Matrix” (in Portuguese), Mundo Project Management, 11(63): 48-53. (feature article)  Link

O26  Browning, Tyson R. and Ranga V. Ramasesh (2015) “Reducing Unwelcome Surprises in Project Management,” MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(3): 53-62.  Link

O25  Browning, Tyson R. (2014) "Program Agility and Adaptability," INCOSE INSIGHT, 17(2): 18-22.  PDF

O24  Browning, Tyson R. (2014) “Design Structure Matrix Methods and Applications for Project Management,” Journal of Modern Project Management, 1(3): 122.  Request

O23  Browning, Tyson R. and Steven D. Eppinger (2013) “Enfrentando a Complexidade de Projetos com Design Structure Matrix (DSM)” (in Portuguese), Mundo Project Management, 9(50): 54-60. (feature article)  PDF

O11b  Browning, Tyson R. (2015) “Analyzing the Systems Underlying an Enterprise,” The Voice of the Systems, 16: 18-23.  Link

O11a  Browning, Tyson R. (2004) “Analyzing the Systems Underlying an Enterprise,” INCOSE INSIGHT, 6(2): 9-12.  PDF

O9  Denker, Stephen, Hugh McLaughlin, Donald Steward, and Tyson Browning (2001) “Information-Driven Project Management,” PM Network, 15(9): 50-53.  Request

O7  Browning, Tyson R. (1999) “Process Modeling with Design Structure Matrices (DSMs),” INCOSE INSIGHT, 2(3): 15-17.  Request

Book Chapters

O4Browning, Tyson R. (2023) “Complexity,” Ch. 3 in Research Handbook on Complex Project Organizing, Graham Winch, Maude Brunet, and Dongping Cao, Eds., Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 26-35.

O35  Browning, Tyson R. (2019) “Managing the Strategy-Implementation Gap by Reducing Project Risk,” Ch. 10 in Characterizing the Gap between Strategy and Implementation, Moser, B., Ed., Cambridge, MA: Project Management Institute, pp. 138-148.

O30  Browning, Tyson R. (2017) “Project Design and Management,” Ch. 11 in Starr, Martin K. and Sushil K. Gupta, Eds., The Routledge Companion to Production and Operations Management, New York: Routledge, pp. 214-233.

O22  Browning, Tyson R. (2013) “Notes on the Design Structure Matrix,” Appendix 1 in Weiss, Stanley I., Product and Systems Development: A Value Approach, New York, NY: Wiley, pp. 215-220.

O19  Browning, Tyson R. (2012) “Cost, Schedule and Technical Performance Risk Management in Large, Complex, Innovative Development Projects,” Ch. 14 in Young, Trevor M. and Mike Hirst, Eds., Innovation in Aeronautics, Cambridge, UK: Woodhead, pp. 305-322.

O18  Browning, Tyson R. (2010) “Project Scheduling,” Ch. 8 in Vol. 8 of Blockley, R. and W. Shyy, Eds., Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp. 4751-4760.

O17  Browning, Tyson R. (2009) “Using the Design Structure Matrix to Design Program Organizations,” Ch. 33 in Sage, Andrew P. and William B. Rouse, Eds., Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management, 2nd ed., New York: Wiley, pp. 1401-1424.

O14  Browning, Tyson R. (2006) “Technical Risk Management,” Ch. 12 in Hillson, David, Ed., The Risk Management Universe: A Guided Tour, London: BSI, pp. 292-320.

O13  O’Donovan, Brendan, Tyson R. Browning, Claudia M. Eckert and P. John Clarkson (2005) “Design Planning and Modelling,” Ch. 2 in Clarkson, P. John and Claudia M. Eckert, Eds., Design Process Improvement: A Review of Current Practice, Springer, pp. 60-87.

O12  Browning, Tyson R. (2005) “M.J. Neeley School of Business, Texas Christian University,” Ch. 38 in Clarkson, P. John and Claudia M. Eckert, Eds., Design Process Improvement: A Review of Current Practice, Springer, pp. 538-541.

O8  Browning, Tyson R. (1999) “The Design Structure Matrix,” in Dorf, Richard C., Ed., Technology Management Handbook, Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRCnetBASE, pp. 103-111.

Non-refereed Conference Papers

O21  Bradshaw, Kristen A., Michael Robinson, Frank Scazzuso, Sean M. Gallagher, and Tyson Browning (2012) “Incorporating Modularity into Ship System Designs for Increased Adaptability,” Proceedings of the Maritime Systems and Technologies (MAST) Conference, Malmö, Sweden, Sep 11-13.  Request

O16  Browning, Tyson R. (2008) “A Quantitative Framework for Value, Risk and Opportunity Management in Projects,” Proceedings of the 2nd Annual UTD Project Management Symposium, Dallas, TX, Aug. 18-19. (Superseded by P31)

O15  Browning, Tyson R. (2007) “Program Architecture and Adaptation,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Complex Systems Engineering, Santa Monica, CA, Jan. 11-12.  PDF

O10  Browning, Tyson R., John J. Deyst, Steven D. Eppinger, and Daniel E. Whitney (2003) “Adding Value in Product Development by Creating Information and Reducing Risk,” Proceedings of the Conference on Systems Integration, Hoboken, NJ, Mar. 12-14. (Superseded by P9)

Edited Proceedings

O48  Stowe, Harold (Mike), Tyson R. Browning, Steven D. Eppinger, Jakob Trauer, Christopher Langner, Matthias Kreimeyer, Ola Isaksson, Massimo Panarotto, Arindam Brahma, Eds. (2023) Proceedings of the 24th International DSM Conference (DSM 2023), Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct. 3-5, Design Society.  DOI

O42  Stowe, Harold (Mike), Tyson R. Browning, Steven D. Eppinger, Jakob Trauer, Eds. (2021) Proceedings of the 23rd International DSM Conference (DSM 2021), Montréal, Canada, Oct. 12-14, Design Society.  DOI

O40  Stowe, Harold (Mike), Tyson R. Browning, Steven D. Eppinger, Jakob Trauer, Eds. (2020) Proceedings of the 22nd International DSM Conference (DSM 2020), Cambridge, MA, Oct. 13-15, Design Society.  DOI

O36  Stowe, Harold (Mike), Tyson R. Browning, Steven D. Eppinger, Jintin Tran, Paulo Montijo, Eds. (2019) Proceedings of the 21st International DSM Conference (DSM 2019), Monterey, CA, Sept. 23-25, Design Society.  DOI

O33  Leardi, Carlo, Tyson R. Browning, Steven D. Eppinger, Lucia Becerril, Eds. (2018) Proceedings of the 20th International DSM Conference, Trieste, Italy, Oct. 15-17, Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung und Leichtbau (Garching, Germany), ISBN: 978-3-00-057492-4.

O31  Hölttä-Otto, Katja, Tyson R. Browning, Steven D. Eppinger, Lucía Becerril, Eds. (2017) Understand, Innovate, and Manage your Complex System! Proceedings of the 19th International DSM Conference, Espoo, Finland, Sept. 11-13, Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung (Germany), ISBN: 978-3-00-057479-5.

O29  Browning, Tyson R., Steven D. Eppinger, Danilo Marcello Schmidt, and Udo Lindemann, Eds. (2015) Modeling and Managing Complex Systems: Proceedings of the 17th International DSM Conference, Fort Worth, TX, USA, Hanser.

MIT Reports and Working Papers

O6  Browning, Tyson R., John J. Deyst, Steven D. Eppinger, and Daniel E. Whitney (1999) “Complex System Product Development: Adding Value by Creating Information and Reducing Risk,” MIT Lean Aerospace Initiative Working Paper #WP99-03. (Superseded by P9)

O5  Browning, Tyson R. (1998) “Summary Report: Modeling and Analyzing Cost, Schedule, and Performance in Complex System Product Development,” MIT Lean Aerospace Initiative, Report #RP98-xx-xx.  Request

O4  Browning, Tyson R. and Steven D. Eppinger (1998) “A Model for Development Project Cost and Schedule Planning,” MIT Sloan School of Management Working Paper no. 4050. (Superseded by P8)

O3  Browning, Tyson R. (1998) “UCAV VSS Process Report,” MIT Lean Aerospace Initiative Working Paper #WP98-004-42.  Request

O2  Browning, Tyson R. (1997) “An Introduction to the Use of Design Structure Matrices for Systems Engineering, Project Management, and Organization Planning,” MIT Lean Aerospace Initiative Working Paper #WP97-001-18. (Superseded by P6)

O1  Browning, Tyson R. (1997) “Summary Report: Systematic IPT Integration in Lean Development Programs,” MIT Lean Aircraft Initiative Report #RP97-01-19. (Superseded by P2 and P4)


T3  Browning, Tyson R., Modeling and Analyzing Cost, Schedule, and Performance in Complex System Product Development, Ph.D. Thesis (TMP), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1998.  PDF

Some material from this thesis has been superseded by later publications:

Chapter 3:  Schedule Risk (P3), Performance Risk (C6)

Chapter 4:  DSM Applications (P6)

Chapter 6:  DSM Cost and Schedule Simulation (P8)

Chapter 7:  Product Development as Performance Risk Reduction (P9)

T2  Browning, Tyson R., Systematic IPT Integration in Lean Development Programs, S.M. Thesis (Aero./Astro. & TPP), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1996.  PDF

Some material from this thesis has been superseded by later publications:

Chapter 2:  DSM Applications (P6)

Chapters 1, 2, and 8:  Integrative Mechanisms (P2)

Chapter 8:  Design for Integration (P4, O17)

T1  Browning, Tyson R., Computed Tomography of Cesium Iodide Crystals with Cosmic Muons: A Three-Dimensional Uniformity Response, Obtained with Convolutions, B.S. Honors Thesis (Engineering Physics), Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX, 1993.